Consultancy to the Portuguese Central Administration to develop Regional Spatial Plans and other regional instruments;
Consultancy to Municipalities and to private developers to make Municipal Plans (‘Planos Municipais de Ordenamento do Território/Planos Territoriais de Âmbito Municipal ’) which include ‘Planos Directores Municipais’ (municipal general plans), ‘Planos de Urbanização’ (urban development zoning plans) and ‘Planos de Pormenor’ (urban design detail plans), or similar Plans, according to each country’s legislation, and support and advice on Urban Planning Management, as well as specialized technical support to several economic activities, urban regeneration, rural development, urbanistic funding programme, financial and economic feasibility and viability assessments, execution units and sustainable urban mobility plans;
Municipal Plans ‘Planos Municipais de Ordenamento do Território/Planos Territoriais de Âmbito Municipal ’ made for municipalities or under planning contracts between the municipalities and private developers, as well projects for urban developments, assessment studies and planning technical notes, planning guidance and consultancy, e.g. on model formulation on compensation management of development benefits and costs;
Financial and economical feasibility assessments of urban development;
Plans, studies and programmes on urban regeneration, Integrated Sustainable Urban Development, strategic plan for urban sustainable development, action plan for urban regeneration;
Regional Development for Regional Development Strategies, Action Plan (regional and intermunicipal);
Municipal strategic plans;
Economic and demographic issues on the impact of new large transport infrastructures;
Socio-economic and planning issues on sectoral plans and special plans, according to the Portuguese planning law;
Studies on Rural Planning and Risk Planning, such as Municipal Plans for Fire Protection (PMDFCI), Rural Intervention Plans (PIER), National Ecological Areas Reserve (REN), National Agricultural Areas Reserve (RAN), revision of maps and cartography on biodiversity, Rede Natura 2000 and Natural Values, and risk mapping.
Housing Municipal Strategy (Carta Municipal de Habitação).
Terraforma also offers regular specialized consultancy to other teams and consultants in other related areas such as architecture, engineering, urban planning and real estate products.