Stategic Plan for the Setubal Peninsula

Terraforma / Stategic Plan for the Setubal Peninsula

Stategic Plan for the Setubal Peninsula

In parallel with the review process of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area Regional Plan (PROTAML), made by the Lisbon Region Planning Authority and approved in 2002, the AMDS has decided to develop a Strategic Plan for the Setubal Peninsula, which translated the consensus of the municipalities of the peninsula and which enabled the AMDS with an useful instrument, both for its own guidance and to apply a regional development strategy to the peninsula.

Based on this, we have made the physical planning component of the plan, linked to the other planning components, always in close co-operation n with the municipalities, and with a wide participation of relevant public and private actors, involved in the process.






Strategic Planning and Regional and Local Development for Regional and Local Development Strategies, Strategic Plans